Sunday, September 26, 2010


  • Maharishi  Patanjali  writes in his yog sutra, 'OMKAAR is GURU of all gurus.VEDAS declare omkaar as the supreme reality of this universe.Upanishads hailed its glory.Long ago when rishis in the deepest of meditation able to hear the vedas,they meditated deep and deeper.But still no one claims to get its complete definition.Rishis meditated intensely on vedas,which were three in the beginning, then atharv veda came into existence.In Vedas rigved was regarded as prime vedas initially, and was highly respected. this was happening all around indus river.In Rigved the most powerful diety was regaraded lord RUDRA and his famous trybakam mantra came in public eye. .                                                                                                                                                                                                                According to vedas, ,arnayakas, and upanishads,the journey of seers the ancient scientist our very own beloved rishis managed to travel to diffrent dimensions and finally experienced the Ultimate reality.Brahma, Vishnu, and Rudra was regarded the creator , the protector and destroyer of this universe.
    The gods{indra, varuna} and demigods always find themselves curious about Shiva.the reason was quite simple, his lifestyle was unconventional and controversial as seen by "gods" of that era.As the time passes 'gods' started to spy Shiva, by doing this ,they got more and more curious about him.Shiva and his unparallel way of living with ghosts and ghouls, with bhasamangi body and fierce eyes.And his ununderstandable way of going  into samadhi,and then coming out of it and becoming Nataraja.His dance , his frequency,make them feel in a trance like state.                                                                                                                                                                The gods want to know what drives Shiva, and what he have , which make him so happy , powerful and mystical.As the time passes Shiva was married to Sati who was daughter of daksh parajapati. Sati who was shakti herself asked Shiva about his strange and mystical behaviour, Shiva explained her the deepest of the deepest knowledge of yoga, vedant and tantra, and reminded her of her Divine SHAKTI swaroop.And Thus Sati was the first disciple of the Lord Shiv himself.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          


  1. great going .... Keep it up ..Love this lines ...
    "The gods want to know what drives Shiva, and what he have , which make him so happy , powerful and mystical"

  2. thanku sooo much it means a lot. a great omen for me.god bless .

  3. hey bhaijaan..awesome..really g8..keep it understanding level will rise soon when i'll attend Baba ji's shivir..just 1 anda half week left..Lord Shiv-Shiva, Baba ji- Guru Maa , me always with u :-)
    lotsa love & blessings
    ur sis

  4. Congratulations on your first blog entry chache...even though ur anpad...u made chachi write this blog...but the thots are urs...and ur research...well done...

  5. @moni thanku dear .....@preet ...all thanks to u , u inspired me......

  6. aha... so you have started? great... keep writing and sharing! keep going! stay blessed! namah shivaya..

